Wednesday 29 October 2014

Mid-Week Motivation

Setting clear goals + repeating them every single day + using powerful physiological movements while repeating your goals (I would suggest doing this in the morning) + Unshakeable belief + Taking absolute massive action = An integration of your goals into your nervous system and a coherence with the universe for your goals to become YOUR reality!!!
Every single result is being produced from your mind so once you a clear on what you want, make it the most compelling future so it pulls you towards it, then integrate the emotions of certainty and belief of having already achieved your goals into your nervous system, this will activate a part of your brain that will allow you to notice things that perhaps you didn't notice before and send you the circumstances, people and events for you to step up and achieve it. You have to think BIG!!!! Two different people can see the same building and someone who for example does not see themselves as successful might think 'oh they look like nice windows to clean I might ask them for a job' . While someone with a bigger mindset will see the same building and think 'Im am going to own that building one day..what can I do to own it?' and those two people will take completely different actions just simply based on their beliefs about who they are and what they are capable of. This creates a completely different destiny for those 2 people.
The quality of your life is based on the quality of questions you ask yourself. Instead of asking why does this always happen to me? Why did they do that to me? ask yourself better questions like what do I want? How can I make it how I want it? How can I solve this? What do I have to believe to solve this? What is the meaning I can choose from this to empower me to feel and experience what I want? We cannot always control what happens in our lives but what we CAN control is the meaning that we give those things that have happened. You must believe and have faith that there is ALWAYS a higher meaning for what happens if not in the present most certainly there is one for the future. So sometimes you just have to trust that there is a divine plan, there is a supreme destiny for us all and that life is happening for us. Could it be that it is for us to know, be and remember ourselves as unconditional love? For us to remember and experience the oneness that we share between us all? To reconcile any perceived separation between others that we may experience? Have an outstanding week! Peace, love and harmony

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