Sunday 2 November 2014

 Napolean Hill's Carnegie Secret Revealed

Napoleon Hill's Carnegie Secret

People are searching for the Carnegie Secret so intensely that they're willing to pay good money for it.  But, before they do... they should know something about the secret:  it cannot be purchased for money... and, anyone who tries to sell it for a monetary price is a fraud.  Let me explain.  If Napoleon Hill wanted you to know what the secret was, don't you think he would have told you in Think & Grow Rich?  If he wanted to make money off of the secret don't you think he would have done so in his lifetime?  Or, perhaps his foundation might have done so in the years after his death?
I thought so.

Other than being a great literary device to ensure you read the entire book with an open mind, the truth is that NO ONE can tell you what the secret is... it cannot be given away or sold.

Do you want to know why:
To help me explain, I'd like to quote several paragraphs from Think & Grow Rich in which Napoleon Hill gives his most revealing clues as to what the secret is:
A peculiar thing about this secret is that those who acquire and use it find themselves literally swept on to success. However, as is often pointed out in this book, there is no such thing as something for nothing. The secret cannot be had without paying a price, although the price is far less than its value.
Another peculiarity is that the secret cannot be given away and it cannot be purchased for money. Unless you are intentionally searching for the secret, you cannot have it at any price. That is because the secret comes in two parts, and in order for you to get it, one of those parts must already be in your possession.

I have never known anyone who was inspired to use the Carnegie secret who did not achieve noteworthy success. On the other hand, I have never known any person to distinguish themself, or to accumulate riches of any consequence, without possession of the secret. From these two facts I draw the conclusion that the secret is more important for self-determination than anything you receive through what is popularly known as "education".

As a final word of preparation, may I offer one brief suggestion that could provide a clue how the Carnegie secret might be recognized? It is this: achievement, and all earned riches, have their beginning in an idea. If you are ready for the secret, you already possess one-half of it. Therefore, you will recognize the other half the moment it reaches your mind.

So, the first half of the secret is being ready to receive it... which opens your mind to possibilities.  It cannot be given away, bought, or sold... yet, it comes with a price... the price of experience.  (Some people pay for this experience with their lives!)  The secret is more important for self-determination and it begins with an idea... your DESTINY.  So, what is the second half of the secret?

It's your FREEWILL...
It's your God-given, inalienable right, as a human being, to control and focus your thoughts on whatever you choose.  It is your ability to choose YOUR OWN purpose in life... your mission...  It's the personal power within you to make your own decisions and to stand by them...

It answers the ultimate questions: "Who am I", "Why am I here?" and "What is my purpose in life?"  You are here because and your purpose in life is WHATEVER YOU CHOOSE IT TO BE!  Your secret is a CHOICE that only you can make!  That is why Napoleon Hill wouldn't tell you what the secret is and that's why nobody else can tell you what it is.

Remember Napoleon Hill saying in his book that if you are ready for the secret you already possess half of it?  The other half of the secret is your FREEWILL.  Remember Napoleon Hill saying that he's never known anyone who applied the secret who didn't become successful?  That's because over 98% of the population don't have a clue as to what they want in life... the remaining 2% that do have a clue are busy making it happen and, through persistence, will eventually succeed!

Remember Napoleon Hill saying that EVERYONE who knew the secret was literally swept away to success and riches?  When you know your own secret... many doors of opportunity will open for you and your path will become clear.

Remember Napoleon Hill saying that you can either CHOOSE to be rich or CHOOSE to be poor? He was right!

If you're still not convinced that the secret is your freewill, I'll now quote the paragraphs in which Napoleon Hill mentions it directly... they are found in the last chapter of Think & Grow Rich:
You have absolute control over only one thing, and that is your thoughts. This is the most significant and inspiring of all facts known to humans. It reflects our divine nature. This ability to control your thoughts is the sole means by which you may control your own destiny. If you fail to control your own mind, you may be sure you will control nothing else. Your mind is your spiritual estate. Protect and use it with care to which divine royalty is entitled. You were given your willpower for this purpose.

Mind control is the result of self-discipline and habit. You either control your mind or it controls you. There is no halfway compromise. The most practical method for controlling your mind is the habit of keeping it busy with a definite purpose backed by a definite plan. Study the records of those who achieve noteworthy success, and you will see that they have control over their own minds, and that they exercise that control and direct it toward the attainment of definite objectives. Without this control, success is not possible.
Previously you may have had a logical excuse for not having forced life to come through with whatever you asked. That alibi is now obsolete because you are in possession of the Master Key that unlocks the door to life's riches.

The Master Key is intangible, but it is powerful. It is the privilege of creating, in your own mind, a burning desire for a definite form of riches. There is no penalty for the use of the key, but there is a price you must pay if you do not use it. The price is failure. There is a reward of stupendous proportions if you put the key to use. It is the satisfaction that will come to you when you conquer self and force life to pay whatever is asked.
Andrew Carnegie
Andrew Carnegie

And there you have it... the Carnegie Secret is that you have the ability to choose your own destiny... and achieve it through the use of your willpower.


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